4 steps to build a professional internal training process

Internal training is a concept that is no longer strange to businesses today. Building a professional internal training plan is the foundation for companies and businesses to develop strongly in all working and project processes. Only when the internal system is strong will the business develop sustainably. Understanding this, in today’s article Smart Solutions For Business Company Limited (S4B Vietnam) will share with you the importance of training internal corporate personnel, effective training forms and specific examples of building a training system.

1. What is internal training?

Internal training is the process in which employees of a company or business learn necessary work-related skills through courses, training courses or short training sessions organized internally by the business. position. In essence, the internal training process is the foundation for the success of any organization or business.

2. Popular forms of internal corporate training today

Each business has different characteristics in terms of business products as well as personnel structure. Choosing which form of internal training plays an important role in helping to orient and optimize the training process to ensure all information to be conveyed is mastered by personnel.

2.1. Mentoring – Mentor training

Mentoring is training based on the relationship between a person with more experience in the profession (Mentor) and a less experienced individual (Mentee). In particular, Mentor is responsible for guiding Mentee on work-related knowledge to cultivate and develop themselves.

2.2. On the job training – Direct Practical Training

On the job training (OJT) is on-the-job training, applied to employees to gain practical knowledge in the workplace. When training internal personnel with hands-on practice, employees will use the resources available to them in the workplace. Direct, hands-on training is suitable for application when businesses introduce new products or technologies, change business plans, or use new software in the work process.

The importance of internal training in companies

2.3. 1-1 training

This is a form of training where a skilled person will directly train a new or less experienced employee. Most businesses only take advantage of this form when they need to train an employee who really needs specialized skills, needs thorough training and meticulous guidance.

2.4. General training

Businesses will need to set up periodic training sessions to educate all employees about company culture, new products or any necessary skills. General training is a necessary and important form for every business.

3. Four steps to build a professional internal training process

Step 1: Orientation for development and assessment of enterprise training needs

Businesses first need to know what business strategy they are building, how to plan their human resources, and what problems they are training internally to solve? The goal and orientation of employees in the training course is that employees must improve and supplement their skills and professional knowledge to serve their work.

Step 2: Determine specific training goals

It is necessary to identify specific requirements and goals when conducting training. Enterprises need to ensure that they implement the following factors:

  • Employee responsibilities and roles in achieving the company’s ultimate goals.
  • Employee tasks need to be guaranteed to be completed and achieve the goals set from the beginning.

Step 3: Build and design a specific training program

After determining the goals and format, businesses will build a training system by preparing a detailed and clear training plan. The plan includes training methods, content, knowledge to be imparted, reference materials, instructions and a number of other related aspects.

There are some things to note when businesses design training programs, specifically:

  • Training materials need to be clear and have many illustrative examples and real-life situations
  • There is always interaction, discussion, and asking questions during class.
  • You should divide the training content into smaller parts, don’t put too much knowledge into one session.

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Step 4: Conduct internal corporate training

Businesses need to: Arrange schedules for training activities, then mobilize the necessary human resources to carry them out. At the same time, decide on trained employees based on the needs, professional qualifications, and titles that the business needs.

The final step in the internal training development process is to evaluate both the employee and the training organization position. For employees, businesses need to request feedback and comments from learners to evaluate the content conveyed by the organization and improve in the future.

In addition, the step of evaluating results helps businesses grasp the number of employees who comply with the training program, and how many people can absorb and understand the content of the program.

Thank you readers for your interest and following S4B’s article.

S4B Vietnam

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